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I meant to write all last night, but lack of sleep coupled with relief of being done with the first book resulted in an early crash. I'm writing the next Tunnel Rat chapter tonight and tomorrow, then the next Butcher chapter. Ideally, some of that gets up before Sunday. Then, Sunday will be devoted the entire day to writing. The goal is 2 chapters to each story by Sunday night.

Monday I have a funeral to attend with a two-hour drive on either end, so I'm doubting I'll have much time after that.

But going forward, not having to put hours in on editing should give me the time to get back to the schedule of 2 chapters a week for each story, and 10 chapters ahead on Patreon. I can feel reality already planning on how it will disrupt that, but I'm strangely hopeful anyway.



Thanks for the update.

Shane Kelly

Sometimes it feels like everything happens together. Weeks/months of smooth sailing then a hectic week of pure stress. It's better to take a break than force yourself to exhaustion in my book. Well rested authors = better stories ;-) and avoiding burnout is massively important for long projects like these. Sorry for your loss