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Exciting news! My books are going to be published by Aethonbooks, who work with the authors of great books like Vanqueur the Dragon, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights Monsters, and Defiance of the Fall. They will be putting my books out on Kindle, KU, and Audiobook.

To be honest, I was amazed when I had 50 followers on my story on Royal Road. And then astounded when you fine people started supporting my stories.

 Publishing seemed pretty far away, and I had no clue about how to move in that direction. Working with a publisher makes things a lot easier and, very importantly, won't interfere much with my ongoing writing.

In the next couple of months, I'll be doing something I always wanted to do, which is go back and edit the first parts of the books. I had no idea what I was doing when I started Butcher of Gadobhra, and this gives me the push to go fix some things and rewrite chapters.

How does this affect the ongoing stories? Not at all. I'm going to keep writing new chapters. If anything, this pushes me to do more writing, and I can justify taking more afternoons off from my job. I have some good people at my shops who can pick up the slack for me and give me more hours to write.

The biggest change will be that I will have to remove my early chapters from free sites like Royal Road, leaving the introduction and the first chapters as a stub. When the first book is published, I'll remove the first 60 or so chapters. When the second book in each series comes out 6-12 months later, the next 60. I've contracted for 3 books from each series. By the time those come out, I'll have written the equivalent of 2 more books for each series.

I have no idea where either stories end. I have a lot left to write. Both stories have small arcs ending and big arcs beginning.

If you haven't read both stories or you want to re-read them, now is the time. You have at least a couple of months. 



Congrats, keep up the great work.


Awesome congrats

Omer Segal

It's about time! Congratulations!

Heretic Morgan

Hell yeah! I'll definitely order physical copies when they become available!


This is awesome, Congrats!! Will definitely buy the kindle and audiobook versions when available. Hopefully you are able to get more R&R while writing these wonderful stories in-between publishings'.


Good stuff, hopefully the characters are clearer at the start. I honestly thought Suzette was an old woman (given the timeline of jobs worked) and her relation with Ozzy was like an aunt figure til they started flirting.

Michael Clark

I've never really put down a definite age for them, but both are in at least their 60's, possibly older. A good chunk of their lives has been spent online in VR. Certainly one of the things to iron out for the published story. I didn't want to do several chapters of info dump on the real world at the start of the story, but having written more, I know better how to work it in over time.


Very nice …. Audio for the win


Congratulations! That's great news.


Well it's good bye to another awesome writer. The smothering blanket of Amazon means I won't be able to recommend people your works any longer - they won't be able to read them. The on-line story is truly dead.


I mean.. you can still recommend works? You just say that the first one or two are on Amazon and the rest are on royalroad