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Apologies, things happened this weekend that resulted in a huge amount of stress and an itty bitty amount of sleep. Simply could not write a single word today with what is going on, so I'm going to bed early and starting over in the morning.

I have the next BOG story ready to  edit and to post here, and the next three tunnel rat chapters are outlined. I'll probably get the next part of the Emperor's Birthday out tomorrow and then devote some time to Milo.

At the end of this week, I go on vacation. Which for me, means watching the ocean waves come in and writing on my laptop for a few days. Looking forward to it. I'm not much for sun and sand. I have unrealistic hopes for how much I can get done. :)

Apologies for nothing appearing today. 



No worries, looking after your mental health comes first.


I sentence you to a six pack and a steak, come back when you feel better. Hope your vacation is restful and fun andthatyouwriteseventythousandchaptersforeachstorysoicanbingereadalldayeverydaythank you.

Douglas Hoeflin

Don't worry about it mental health is important enjoy the beach

zoli bassoff

Please take care of yourself.


Enjoy the ocean!


I rather prefer a healthy and rested Author then a burnt out one


Take it easy on that beach. If writing on said beach makes you relaxed and happy, you won’t catch me complaining. But seriously, have a nice vacation


make a beach episode of BoG while writing in the beach


I find those non-writing mind blur days to be good opportunities to go back and tag posts and organize stupid writing-related but non-creative tasks. When I started using tags I had to go back and tag hundreds of posts to organize them. It helps in the end. It's also a very good time just to relax, drink a beer and try to enjoy life.


Blah! Enjoy the beach, suck up the experience while you can and then write about it later if it fits. Forced arcs are the worst.