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For background, Belinda wasn't planned. She was a generic healer in a player group that got nailed by a stone crusher. They had a tank, a crazed halfling, someone else I forget, and the healer. The idiots in the party needed to argue with someone sane, and that became Belinda, the Healer. Later, for some reason, she ran to help the miners, and part of her stubborn/caring personality snapped into place.

From there, she grew each time I was writing her. The person Milo shoved into an impossible situation of organizing a raid on the fly while he ran off to do impossible things.

Then one day, while thinking about her, she was in a wheelchair. She had problems worse than Milo. I wanted to weave her into his story and she moved into Section H next door. The party got planned...

...and Milo went to the Hollow. A small arc got bigger and bigger. Larry showed up and I couldn't finish the Hollow without concluding Larry's arc. I constantly made the story longer and more difficult.

How do you do that? Easy. Things like two Cheese Fiends, because of course the bad guys have cheese fiends. Then they became two little girls as well. That became a problem. There was no fething way that Larry was going to fight two little girls. It would be bad for Milo as well. What to do with them? And the answer seemed obvious, Larry to the rescue. But what now?

See the problem? The characters take over. Meanwhile, Belinda planned her party for 100 chapters!! It had to be a big event, not just a swap meet. There needed to be complications, connections, things that involved both of them but not together yet. Claw Master showed up.

And then the party was over and I was left with the question I'd been putting off: Does Belinda know who Milo is? So many things hinged on that. Milo went a little crazy for a chapter because I was going crazy. I'd deliberately let it drop that she knew his real name. That was easy, someone at some point would call him Milo.

But what else did she know? Turns out to be quite a bit.
-They played games together and she got to know him, and see how smart he was.
-In SC6 he was plotting the gravitational forces of black holes and doing missile trajectories in his head. She knew he was older, knew how smart he was. Belinda has a much better education than the rest of the gang. Butch might know he's smart, but Belinda knows he is crazysmart. Like another Milo.

The kicker? I reread what I had written when they met. Milo knew how the gloves worked, and how they were different from the M-1000's. He wasn't just wearing a set. He knew how they worked.

I could have done a lot of painful chapters will Milo denying it, but the other half was Belinda, and specifically that people lied to her all the time. The same way it would be bad for Larry to fight his little sisters-to-be, it would be bad for Milo to constantly lie to Belinda, and I had no way to make it work.

So now she knows...and I have to figure out how that works. :)

Thanks for reading.


Artem Kozhemyakin

I think the story came together really well, thank you for writing it


I really appreciate this. Both in the story planning kind of way, but also the way your characters are treated. You can write as well as you like, but I'll get turned off if it feels like padding or intentional manipulation of character for conflict. You do neither, and write well, and now I'm emotionally invested enough to write a whole paragraph. Always excited when I see your notifications, keep up the good work (or take a break if you need to).


Always find it neat when an author shows how a character took on a life of there own like this

Benjamin Collins

Ya and also don't forget his family that's still alive...


...ok, this is kind of a reach, but the entire "chapter" kept reminding me of dnd rap from youtube, with you as the DM talking to the players/your characters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RihNxr0TH9g The last thing the DM says, you can do that at any point. You CAN channel your inner George R.R. Martin at any time.


This story of yours has got me really invested. I think Belinda is the kind of character that actually has a chance of actually getting close to Milo, given how they've both lived unusually isolated lives so far. I don't think it's necessarily critical she get half the screen time going forward, but as a supporting role she works well for sure. Excited to see where you take her, I'm staying subbed just for tunnel rat!


I forgot to say, I loved the hollow arc, and how it inspired his plan to expand "irl". I'm looking forward to what he does with that. I have a sneaking suspicion Belinda may be a part of it in the future. Gotta say my ultimate fantasy outcome is Milo constructing a sort of rat themed small form factor power armor.

Omer Segal

This post is exactly what makes both your stories worth reading. Your characters become real and drive the story in a way that few others manage. Keep it up!


I know everyone one is talking about the evolution of Belinda and how the party got started… But the hollow story arc and Larry in particular hit very hard to keep up the good work man


I'm kind of hoping belinda sides with Milo on the Viktor situation, I love her as a character and I want her to have the motivations or the morals to cut ties with her only remaining blood for Milo to possibly kill or send to prison for the rest of his life, like if Viktor payed off the terrorists to kill Belinda's parents to get their company and money but Belinda was an unseen obstacle, or she gets an email from an anonymous 'detective' ie. Milo, reads all the shit Viktor has done then works with Milo and hopefully Milo's remaining family to make victor disappear. Just some ideas I don't want to sway the storyline from where it would naturally progress.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences, understanding of the characters.