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I'm finished with the writathon. While tiring, each one gets easier, and my writing speed increases. It's like hitting the gym for storytelling. Next fall, Milo will be the focus of the writathon and get the extra chapters.

For the next couple of months, the goals are:

-Finish Knight of the Jackalope chapter 4, maybe 5? Maybe it doesn't end.

-For BOG: All four MCs will be at Tier 3 and more powerful, so we need to throw some trouble at them. We have dungeons, a trade route to Thunderfall to explore, problems building Rowan Keep, Corporate hijinks, The Great Hunt, and a dozen other potential problems.

-For Milo:  The rest of the Party Arc, which creates many interesting situations in the real world. Visits to Shadowcove and the Engineering Outpost, exploration of a strange door. New and more powerful Physics based magical runes. (Remember when the vote was for some strange aspect of magic? Guess what happened.) And going deeper into the world. Bloth is down there somewhere; too lovely of a place not to visit.

And, of course, Belinda has plans for her own gaming program with her new friends from the party. John will have forgotten that promise, she didn't, and now she has kind Uncle Victor to back her up. Family should stick together, don't you think?

Leave Comments, ask questions, and make suggestions. 



when the videos of the video game tourment get posted to social media feeds the 5 survivors of the test group should probbaly find him and notice that he is still alive