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Someone made a comment, and didn't know I was listening....

Outside of the little town of Sedgewick (or perhaps it was a Hamlet?) was an enchanted fairy ring traditionally used by the Lords of the Fae for traveling between their realms and those of mortals they favored. It was general knowledge that mortals who attempted to use such rings might disappear forever, spend a century in captivity, or even end up thousands of years into the future. But there were exceptions to every rule.

Today, two such exceptions stepped from the ring near Sedgewick and began walking to the town. The first was a Fae knight in full plate armor. His fanciful helmet was shaped like a bunny with large antlers. The armor sported many decorations that might remind one of a rabbit, from the oversized pink boots and animal-claw gauntlets to the long armored tail attached to the back of the armor that sported a fluffy ball on the end.

The other traveler was a normal human and was nothing much to look at. He was dressed in simple work clothes but did have on a tabard that proclaimed him to be a squire to the Fae Knight of the Jackelope, for that was what his companion certainly was. They made their way into town, the squire making no noise and the Knight clanking along in his metal armor, the large broadsword on his back clanging against his armor with each step. The squire seemed nervous. "Remember, as a Knight of the Fae, it is beneath you to engage with the townspeople. That's why you have me. We don't want any misunderstandings, right? The big Knight thought about this and mumbled something in his helmet. The squire sighed. "Remember what you said when you asked me to come along? We have to hurry, and we need to save someone. You keeping quiet will help us get there fastest." The Knight nodded.

The two walked into town, the squire waving to people and smiling. The knight pointed to a tavern and patted his belly, sniffing the air. The squire also sniffed the air and agreed with the knight. "Might as well get lunch. The food smells great. And I think taverns are where adventurers go to find things out. The squire started walking to the tavern. The Knight began skipping along behind him, creating a huge racket as his armor rattled and clanged. The squire turned and scowled. The Knight hung his head and began walking normally, but it was obvious to the few people watching that he wasn't having as much fun doing it that way.

They entered the tavern, and the squire realized his error. The tavern was full, and the Knight was large. His antlers scraped the ceiling even when he ducked. He solved the problem by moving chairs out of the way and having the large man sit on the floor. Many eyes were upon them. The barmaid came to their table, eyeing the Knight. "Welcome totally normal and weary travelers who certainly aren't a Fae Knight and his trusty squire. Can I bring you food and drink?"

The squire had relaxed but stiffened as the Knight spoke. "Larry smells cheese! Can Larry have some cheese, please?"



This made me smile. Now for an especially graceful barmaid with pink weasel slippers or a silent but deadly junior barmaid/ninja with bright pink tabi.


Well now we need need the story of how Best Hero Larry earnt his knighthood

Daniel Zellmer

I mean it would be an interesting way for Larry to meet the under Rodent Queen… I mean with a rat themed the dungeon right underneath of said Tavern…


Why do I get the feeling that an Epic partnership for the ages will be born with Rollie, Squirmie, and Larry, especially when Rollie hears there is someone needing a Hero and help?


I just remembered something... in Chapter 65: Dungeons Dark and not-so-Perilous there was 'Weaseltongue the VERY Clever' who liked to dance, specifically he liked to do the "Happy Weasel Dance"... Perhaps Larry would like to learn a new dance and maybe show off the "Happy Hamster Hop"... this calls for a Dance Off!!!!

The El Bandito

Is the squire Milo? He’s the only ‘human’ that is in the hollow. And the only one likely to be trusted by Larry to go with him. If so I’m very excited for meet-ups and exchanges with the others.