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The current list of options Ozzy will get for tier 3. Note that in all cases he will have a Role to play in the town, and like all Roles that players accept, it comes with bonuses as well as minor drawbacks. The player gains a place in the game, might gain a home or business, but then spends time in the role. Currently, this includes running his butchershop, delivering meat to Jenny, the tavern, the inn, and the legion, and handing out quests.

Feel free to toss feedback.

Congratulations! Through heroic deeds, luck, and killing dangerous foes, you have earned the option of moving to Level 11!

-You must spend all experience and CSP earned in Tier 2 before moving to Tier 3.
-You must select one of the offered classes for Tier 3.
-If you choose not to move to level 11, you may stay at level 10. You will not earn more CSP or experience but may work to earn other class options.
Class Options:

Contract Worker: Butcher  +1 CHR, +1 STR,
A nice, safe choice. You can sink into your profession, cutting up rabbits and pigs, smoking sausages, and running a butcher shop. Dungeon Bosses aren't trying to tempt you into joining them and the Legion isn't going to conscript you for the next war. You are hidden from those who might suspect there is more to you than a simple village butcher. Kick back and enjoy life.
Gain Perk: Not the maniac we are looking for.
Gain Perk: Part of the town, nothing special.
Gain Perk: I've got Quests!

Contract Worker - Seasoned Pit Master +3 CHR, +4 Free stat points.
No longer an apprentice, and more experienced than an average Pit Master, you have earned the title of Seasoned Pitmaster. You have slaughtered tasty critters and cooked them in your pit, learned the ways of Smoke and Heat, and gained secrets only available to someone who has sailed the Seas of Smoke. The Seasoned Pit Master class enhances your skills as a butcher, adding magical skills that use Heat, Smoke, and Chains. You learn more recipes to enhance the abilities of warriors and mages who dare to eat your cooking.
Gain Perk: My pit, my rules.
Gain Perk: I've got some really hard quests!

Contract Worker - Enraged Slaughtermaster +5 STR, +5 Con.
You have slain animals, humans, undead, and monsters with no hesitation, reveling in your fury. You are adept with weapons and killing with your bare hands. Bathing in blood and bone puts a smile on your face. This class will give you extra combat options, increase your ability to do violence, and take away any bits of guilt you have left about bathing the world in gore.  
Gain: Bloodfrenzy, Cleaver, and Feel No Pain as primary skills.
Gain Perk: Vengeful.
Gain Perk: Command the Horde

Contract Worker - Dungeon Pitboss +3 COR, +3STR, +2CON, +3000 Health
Time to Move on Up to the big time. There's a spot for you in the dungeon. Clock in each day in the dungeon: Pit of the Butcher, and get to work chopping the meat. (Including adventurers.)
Gain the perk: Like a Boss!
Gain the perk: Rapid Respawn
Gain the perk: One of the boys.
Gain the perk: Chained to the job.

Contract Worker: Captain of the Smoke +500 Smoke, +500 Heat, +2 Aura, +2 Shielding, +5 CHR
To hell with the Conjunction; the Smoke is where you want to be! Gain a ship and crew of your own. Turn pirate or fight for the queens! Or sail with Admiral Woodrat as his Flag Captain.
Keep the Perk: Marked by the Burning Man
Gain the Perk: Known to the Queens
Gain the Perk: Ship of my own.

Contract Work: Arcane Pit Master +3 INT, +3 CHR +500 Mana
You return from the smoke more of a mage than a butcher. You continue to practice the magic you have learned and combine it with cooking from your pit. Create powerful magic foods. Summon and bind elemental creatures. Study in the Arcane Libraries and discuss magical theory with wizards who haven't ever stepped into a dungeon. Hunt down rare creatures, butcher them and use them in your arcane endeavors.
Gain access to more spells.
Gain Perk: I'm a Wizard
Gain Perk: Exotic Spellcaster

Contract Worker: Apprentice Griller +2 DEX
Learn how to use and clean a grill. Work 12 hours a day as a short-order cook.
Gain Perk: Deal with Kobolds without stuffing them down a hole.
Gain Perk: Foods Up!



Seasoned,.ozzy does Ozzy better and he gets to give out hard quests yes please


I don't like either of his choices.