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So now that confused you with heritage, let's talk about Ozzy. These are some chaotic thoughts on his heritage options.

Contract Workers in tier one could buy extra stats, up to 3 per stat. The cost was 2pts if you added them to your heritage, and 3 points if you didn't. Of course, no gamer is going to pay extra.

So Ozzy has a big chunk of his heritage in STR and CON. This is one of the reasons he's a lot bigger than average. Butcher adds to that as well, along with One Fist of the Iron, The other of Steel, and Mitigation. These abilities push him towards a heritage of being strong, tough, and large.

Next up is fire. Fire resistance, eating hot foods, blowing smoke rings, and then everything he's done in the smoke. This adds up to a lot of fire and smoke.

There is a lesser push towards a draconic heritage, because of the guantlets. The bit of dragon soul in them is potent, but overwhelmed by the rest. If it was a fire breathing dragon, it would synergize better than acid

Some of the heritage options I have for him currently:

Butcher: It's a strong option that pushes him more towards his craft, but also under the sway of the Boss in the Dungeon. His intimidating aura, large number of butchering skills, and overall toughness push him this way. He would become more of a monster than he already is.

Fallen: He fits. He atomized Leroy while killing himself. There may be some bits of primordial stone in his sould. He's balancing RAD and COR. He plans ahead, looks for loopholes and wins with his brain when he can and his brawn when he can't. Accepting this heritage would involve him in a lot of the craziness of the competition between Light and Dark.

Smoke and Fire: Embracing everything to do with the Smoke, becoming more like what Mariah is, being part mortal and part elemental.

Fire and Steel: An option made possible by being offered a spot in Butterbelly's clan. Add a little Fire Giant to the heritage, visit lovely Muspelheim. Certainly stronger, probably bigger over time, or able to become bigger. Laugh at fire mages.

Draconic: Let that little bit of dragon influence you. Start a horde, get placed in the pecking order, compete with other dragonlings. less good the more I think about it. :)

Nothing at all. Keep moving along his path, be a hero. Keep options open for later.

Have another idea? In favor of something? Have thoughts on things? Input is always good.


evan peat

Fire Giant for the win

Omer Segal

I think Ozzy should on the surface be the friendly neighborhood butcher, but in reality have all the fallen, butcher, and various fire race bits in him. Let's us explore the fiery parts of various elemental planes, could be plenty of interesting bits.

Omer Segal

So basically: Butcher for day to day, Fallen for involvement with the Gods through various events, Fire for new arcs just like this one where he goes and visits the Dwarves or the Fire Giants.