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Short, but I like where it ends...

Milo rolled twice and then got his feet under him, crouching behind a barrel. He heard the small click as the crossbow was cocked and knew the direction the sound came from. But if the person who was shooting at him was good, they had already moved. Darkness didn't effect his vision, but he couldn't spot anyone. Their skills were high enough that they were overwhelming his perception, similar to how his own skill worked.

He concentrated on not being seen and moving as quietly as he could, circling to the right, always staying low or behind cover. Another shot came from across the room, missing his head by only an inch. Not knowing exactly where his opponent was, he took a chance and threw a skull at where he'd heard the sound of the crossbow firing. The damage from the spell broke her concentration and he saw Charlotte finish cocking the crossbow and take her next shot.

Instead of dodging, Milo case Harpoon of the Winds. The attacks were almost simultaneous. Milo saw his spell slam into the crossbow, destroying it, and then continue on, carving a gash in Charlottes cheek and the side of her head, tearing her ear. She screamed, half in pain and half in rage. Her crossbow bolt hit Milo in the arm, but the bolt stopped when it hit bone, the momentum of the impact knocking him down.

Grabbing the bolt stuck in his arm, he pulled it free. If it had been poisoned, it didn't seem to be affecting him. A quick glance confirmed that.

You have been struck by a light crossbow and have taken 75 points of damage.
You have been poisoned. Light poison doing 50 points per round damage is countered by your Poison Resistance.
You have been poisoned. Medium poison doing 20 points per round is countered by your Poison Resistance.

The damaged crossbow sailed over his head and struck the wall. Charlotte came into view as she moved out from behind a crate. "You owe me a new cross-bow, that was my favorite."

Milo stood, but was happier to stay partially behind cover. Did she have anyone else here with her? "Sure. I'll be happy to get that taken care of as soon as we finish here. Why are you shooting at me?"

Charlotte shrugged. "Sorry, partner, it's dark in here and when I saw someone sneaking up on Smiley, I figured you were an assassin sent to finish the job someone started. I've been guarding him non-stop, and I'm a little tired."

Milo did think she looked tired and strained. Then again, Charlotte sort of always looked like that. "Guarding Smiley from who?"

"Duh. From the people trying to kill him. And if I knew exactly which Shadow Skulkers that was, I'd be out hunting them. But I'm pretty sure Petey is behind it." Charlotte had sat down and pulled out a healing potion. She was pouring it over her face and ear. "Wonder if I'll get a cool scar out of this? It's hard to make people take a pretty girl seriously. Grandfather keeps calling me 'his little girl' and telling stories about how cute I used to be. Meanwhile, he can't see I'm twice as good a DeathMaster as the twins and Petey put together."

"So either Petey or the twins are part of a group who poisoned Bleusnout and Smiley?"

Charlotte finished with her ear. Milo noticed she still had a tear in it. Maybe she wanted it to heal that way. "Poisoned? Where did you hear that? They both overdosed on too much cheese? Bleusnout was an addict before he dryed himself out and managed to take over as cheese master. Smiley is just following in his foot steps. The two of them would be down here most nights snorting lines of parmesan or having a late-night snack of double-cheese lasagna. At least now Rif can take over and clean the place up."

"You should talk to him more. He's got some good ideas. And when he gets his ring, that would be two of you on the council. If we get rid of Petey, and you keep the twins in line, I'll be the third. That's nearly a quorum and people are getting old. You could even take over Gilad's ring. Toss scout to the twins, or go for a double ring. Gramps was a tripple for decades, I don't see the problem. Then we have a new generation making the rules and setting things straight."

This was a lot of new information, and as fast as he parsed it, Milo kept finding flaws in the plan. "Hmm, sounds like then we'd have a lot of work. I'm already teaching fighting and engineering classes, and doing lots more."

"That's the point! Don't you see?!" Charlotte was walking towards him, her tail moving back and forth as her hips swayed. "You do all that work already! They owe you more recognition. I heard they voted on you keeping the Scout ring, when you earned it already! Rif isn't getting a ring until he works his ass off for years we've heard. The old rats wants to control everything. Do you know grandfather even warned me off when I said I was interested in you?"


She smiled at him oddly. "Yes. You! I'm surprised you didn't see me looking at you all the time! None of the other boys can even keep up with me. You proved you were me equal the first time we me! But gramps wants a say in who I cuddle up to. This would let you and I get together like we want to?"

She took a step forward. Milo took a step back. Charlotte laughed at him slightly. "Playing hard to get now that I have you alone? Don't look now, but your back isn't against the wall." She took another step forward, making direct eye contact." Milo was sure he had another four-feet until his back would hit the wall. He took a quick look over his shoulder. Yep, plenty of room.

As soon as he looked back, Charlotte slashed with her claws at his stomach and a knife drove for his eye.



Next time on is Milo really that oblivious.... Maybe but he's still gonna drop Charlotte like yesterday's trash

Milton Skipper

bah humbug now Im going to wondering about this fight while trying to sleep later on tonight.