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The heat began rolling over Ozzy in waves. Woodrat quit struggling and went quiet after a bit of time, and Ozzy was feeling feverish. His heat was going up at a constant rate, with a spike as each new wave hit. What happened when he exceeded his limits? Woodrat had mentioned something about men who burst their furnaces, and that didn't sound pleasant. He lowered his heat by burning fuel and making smoke, until his smoke was at the limit. It was a temporary fix.

Everything he'd seen in the smoke revolved around having enough smoke, and enough fuel and heat to make smoke. Too much hadn't seemed possible. He kept trying to push it away as he had in the conjunction using his Active Fire Resistance, but couldn't quite seem to figure out how. Every time he felt like he'd figured it out, he lost it again.

The sargasso weed surrounding the boat was going crazy, trying to grow and consume him, but then withering in the heat. Each green sprout that came out of the ashes died and crumbled before it could get to him. Still, tendrils kept sprouting and withering. He grabbed a handful of the crap and put it into his mouth, chewing. It was horrible. Without thinking much about it, he began using Tastes like Chicken!, a skill he rarely if ever used these days. After the first few weeks in Genesis, all the workers had been completely disgusted by the taste of bland, processed, chicken. Compared to charred sargasso weed, Ozzy thought it wasn't really that bad. And he was surprised at how fast his fuel was filling up, but this was a perk that was supposed to keep you healthy and working hard, so in some ways it made sense. Rolly would be upset to learn there was a use for the skill.

Pain started in his chest a few minutes later. His heat level was rising above maximum and with his smoke full, he had no way to lower it. He stood up, stumbling, feeling like he was going to burst and tried one last time to force the heat away from him. The pain grew, and then something clicked inside of him, and a glowing grey globe of translucent sparks formed that encompassed he and Woodrat.

He heard slow clapping behind him and turned to see someone watching him. "Bravo, I was certain you were going burst and become one of mine. Hmm, maybe you still will. That's not much of a shield, is it? But a splendid attempt for someone only just become a Mate." He snapped his fingers and a larger globe formed all around them and Ozzy's faded.

"Take a break, Lad. Have a drink of this, it will help you let off some steam. Just be wary which way it all comes out." Ozzy wasn't sure why drinking with a strange man who came from nowhere was a good thing, but he didn't argue at the time. He tilted the bottle back and took two swallows of what was inside. It was cool and sweet, and very strong. It had a taste like strawberries and honey. The liquor rolled down into his gut and began to burn.

His stomache rumbled, smoke begane to come out of his mouth and nose. Heeding the man's words he turned away and belched. Fire and smoke tore out of him, burning his throat raw and blistering his face. It went on and on, and when it was done, he saw that his furnace was only half full of heat. "Damn. That tastes fine going down, but it's rough coming back up."

"Take another drink. It was a shame to waste an Ambrosia that fine, but we needed to cool you down some." Ozzy did so. The second drink went down easier and he felt rejuvinated by it. He handed the bottle back before he was tempted to drink more."
Jack popped the cork back in and put it in a leather loop on his belt.

The Captain, for he had to be one by his dress, would have put any of Ben's outfits to shame. He wore an elablorate outfit with layers of dark stained leather accented by a red, ruffled silk shirt and white scarf. Multiple belts held a sword, knives, and studded club. Rings adorned his fingers and gold necklaces hung down across his chest. Even his boots had gold buckles.

He sported a goatee and thin mustache, and wore his hair in hundreds of fine braids. At first Ozzy thought his hair was red, and then he saw that his hair was actually fire, small flames running up and down the braids.

Ozzy remember things Woodrat had said. "Jack Fyrebeard, The Burning Man."

Jack smiled widely and bowed. "Correct on both accounts, but usually I'm one or the other. If you had burst from the heat, the Burning Man would have taken you and made you one of his own. But instead, you and I get to have a little talk about your future." He turned and looked over his shoulder and it seemed Ozzy could see across the leagues to the volcano. "As brief as that might be, in most cases."

Ozzy checked on Woodrat. The captain was passed out, and too hot, but he wasn't in the danger zone yet. Ozzy turned back to Jack, and saw that an ornate wooden chair had appeared from somewhere, along with a sturdy three-legged stool. Seating himself, he turned to Jack and said. "But not all."

"No, not all. If it was all there would be no reason to chat. I blame the woman for getting involved and twisting some strings. Aeto'le says you offered her something and owe her something and she wants you home. And Palaimon is close to the shipwrecked Captain whos life you just saved. I see his hand in this as well. There's a string between you and the Old Smoke, and now a couple of more are twisted around it."

He looked over to where Woodrat was starting to snore. "Your captain there is of interest to me as well, now that he holds one of my swords." Jack patted his own scabbard.

Ozzy inhaled a deep breath, and blew it out. "You want something from me."

Jack tilted his head and smiled, his earrings glinting in the light from his beard. "Now, why would you say a thing like that?"

"Because you're a god or something like one. And whether it's the almighty creator of the heavens, or an ACME manager, you don't do things for free. There's always a trade off. I'm a little out of options besides death from a busted furnace. So I'm just waiting for the details."

They sat in silence for a minute, and Jack brought out tobacco and rolled two cigars, handing one to Ozzy. "Well, I had thought to offer you a boon from the warmth inside of my heart, but I can see you'd not trust that type of deal. As it turns out, I do have a small problem. Someone has gone missing, and something was stolen, and some people think that I'm to blame because it was one of mine who might have done it. People are judgmental when things go wrong, and once again Jack takes the blame."

Ozzy chuckled. "It's a shame. Any chance I might be able to help you out?"

Jack nodded and blew out a smoke ring that turned into the image of black ship, with three rows of oars per side and a huge ram on the front. The top deck held two square sails. The ship must be huge based on how many oars he saw.

"That looks like an ancient Greek ship, a trireme, but I don't remember them being so big."

Jack laughed. "Maybe there were fewer dead Greek's then. Or more ships taking their souls back to the land of the living. There are nine such ships in the smoke, and it's their fate to ferry the newly dead back to where they can be reborn. Or there were. Only eight are left, and one is missing."

The image changed and Ozzy saw a burly man dressed similar to Jack, but his hair and beard were long and unkept. Like Jack, his hair was on fire. "And this is the man responsible. One of the Burning Man's priests. He's taken it and commands a crew of dead men and enslaved living and is making war on the anything that floats. Not my fault at all, and yet people feel I'm responsible since he was once one of mine."

"And I take it you want someone to kill him?" Ozzy was not liking this deal.

Jack nodded. "That would be convenient and would solve many problems. But it would be enough if you find him and free someone he has chained. And you'd be helping yourself by doing it. You came to see Old Smoke? You'll find him on the Trireme that Captain Blackgut stole. Most likely chained in the bilge. Find and free Old Smoke, and you'll get what you came for, and a way out of here."

"You make it sound easy."

"Oh, of course I do. I'm not the one who has to do it. But you're no worse off dying on the quest, than dying here. Either way you'll be making a trip to the bottom of the smoke, and taking a spot on a bench to row until you were let go. And there's a line forming now, with one ship less than there used to be."

"And what if I find another way out of here?" Ozzy was feeling a bit railroaded into taking this deal.

Jack held up his hands, palm out. "Then you take it and head home. I'll bless you on the way out. Of course you should scamper off if you get a chance. I'm just offering you another option. It's a good deal for both of us, and I'll teach you a few tricks. Old Jack likes tricks, and I've learned quite a few."

Ozzy didn't see much of a choice. And there was some truth in the statement that anything was better than just dying here. He stood up and held out his hand. Jack shook it and laughed. "Good man. Now it's time to learn some new things."

"Let's talk about Shielding. What you tried to do shouldn't have worked, but you came close to something only a senior captain of the fifth tier is allowed to learn. A captain can put a shield around his crew or ship to protect it from harm. It's an extension of his Aura, which you don't have yet."

"A captain's Aura is one of his greatest tools. It inspires his crew, making them courageous, loyal and hardworking. Your Dark Glory is a close enough ability that I could tie your own version of Shielding to it. Similar, but weaker. You can shield yourself, and one or two others who are close to you. Most importantly, Shielding is what will let you save your captain and yourself until this heat dies down."

"I have to give you warning though: If anyone sees you use it, there will be questions. It normally takes someone getting through Mate and into their third tier to make Captain, and that's where they begin to pick up radiance. Shielding can be gained when they attain the 5th tier after they've built up a good bit of radiance and corruption both."

"How a monster like you got them both down in the conjunction is a tale I'd like to hear someday. Your only a Mate. That shouldn't happen. And Shielding is even odder. It's best if you keep that a secret until needed. A good Shield can stave off the affects of an Aura, and Blackgut has an Aura most powerful. If he finds out you have it, things won't go well for you."

"Lucky for you, you have a Legendary Title already. That means I can slide in another beneath it as a bonus, and no one will notice."

You have gained the Legendary Title: Fyrebeard's Crew

Like a priest of the Burning Man, you see the fires within each person, and can help those who can't control their own Heat. Force it out of them, or take it for your own. Beware of taking too much.

Your radiance shines forth! You have gained the skill: Aspect of Radiance.

Jack Walked over to where Woodrat lay unconscious and put his hand on his forehead. "He's close to death, which is better than dead, but not by much. I'm pulling a bit of he heat off of him. But if you can wake him soon, that would be a good thing. Fighting the heat is using up his smoke. Those berries that grow in the salad aren't as tasty as a drink from my bottle, but they don't do a bad job of making a man vent out some heat."

"I'll take leave of you now. You're going to be busy soon." He faded away into a wisp of smoke and was gone.


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