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One o' them there pokeymans.

Or another R34 character, if you want, tbh, doesn't have to be a pokeyman.

I'll make the poll in a couple of days!

Feel free to specify male, female, or intersex, if you like.

Edit: Sorry, forgot to specify! No OCs this time, sorry! I'll do another thread for OCs soon, though!



To stick to the Pokémon mood, an intersex lopunny out of you could be fun. :D


Can they be oc or nah?


A femboy Banette, Gastly or Haunter


How about a Jirachi? Male preferably but it could be ambiguous with the butt taking most of the focus


guess i'll suggest a mismagius boi

Twilight Researcher

On a bit of a intersex binge at the moment, maybe suggesting a intersex Tropius, Scrafty, or Flutter Mane.


Might suggest here some Cinderace, Sceptile or Zoroark. And you know I'm all about them hips and ass, the bigger the better 😏 🤤


Was thinkin some Braxien, Umbreon, or some Zoroark stuff, think it'd be cool to see more of them. Tho, it'd also be cool to see a group of eevee-loution's.


this might be a little difficult but I'm thinking maybe a scolipede boy? they've always been my favorite.