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Oh man, oh jeez, oh gosh, it happened a lot sooner than I thought it would. Thank you all for your support! You guys're awesome!💜

Although I'm still working on commissions and don't have time to focus on other things at the moment, and commissions are coming along super slowly due to my friggin' neck pain keeping me unable to draw much at all, it's time to start planning our next move!

As you know, since we've hit the $100 per month mark here, I've now gotta make a little VN kinda thing. And, well, I need your input! What sort of short story would you like to play through? What sort of character would you like to star in it? Should it be R34 of a popular character like Rouge or Renamon? Or should it feature an OC of mine? Stuff like that.

I have a handful of ideas of original ideas for this I haven't done anything with before, but before I pitch them, I'd like to hear yours! I'll put up a poll with your suggestions sometime soonish!




I think it should be oc-based but still erotic af. Like gaikiken's visual novels. Sex scenes and all. Maybe something fantasy-based?


I do love fantasy stuff! Whatever it is will have to be super small in scope to make it feasible to complete in a reasonable time. I'm not familiar with gakiken's VNs though, I might have to check em out!


Grats, Indy! Well deserved! :D First and foremost, if something really sticks out and inspires you, definitely chase that idea. And using an OC like Melia would definitely make it much more of your own. As long as you're invested enough to see it through rather than it feeling like work for an obligation. My own pitch is way more greedy. I already absolutely love your take on Renamon, and something with them squeezing out of your computer and invading your home just sounds great to me. Incredibly open to any body type based on player choice and then could string out into various lewd home invasion paths based on those choices.


I'd love to see a lil thing involving your ghost boy. Maybe haunting the player's house before leading to shenanigans with different endings?