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WIP of the full video. Sound design and music are placeholders and/or WIP for the moment. I just kind of threw some of my sketch tracks in there for BGM; I'll replace them or flesh them out a bit more to suit the animation for the final version.

I'm very sorry for not uploading this sooner. Aside from some serious technical difficulties I had with the editing and rendering, I was hit with a pretty serious blow in my personal life that's kept me in pretty bad mental shape for the past week or so, but don't worry, I'm alright. Back to work, now.

Anyway, tell me what you think of the video! I think this is my second attempt at doing any sort of sound design, so it may be a bit rough around the edges, but hit me with some feedback!



I like the sound effects, love me the sound of tearing fabric and the sloshing is great. I think my only criticism would be that a lot of the loops go on for quite a while, could probably cut down a few iterations of each shot and still get the point across.


Noted, thankya! What would you say the worst offenders in that regard are?


I think the one I was thinking of most is the final one where she's spreading her ass cheeks, it starts zoomed in on her face then cuts to the full shot and then zooms back in to do a panning shot. Could probably just cut that part in the middle and have the pan zoom all the way out.


Holy heck this is fantastic! I love the final part where it ends with a zoom in of her cheeks. Idk why but I just really love it! I really can't wait for the final!

Twilight Researcher

Looks fantastic so far! Will agree that maybe slipping the final pan shot into one bit would also work well, but I feel the added touch of zooming into her cheeks at the end is just the added bit that sells it all so well. The cut back and forth has it’s own flair though, and I see why you did it, but those are just my thoughts. An added invitation on top of the showcase really sells the moment. Looking forward to seeing what comes next.