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And thus, Julie’s giant, steamy, smelly shower from hell, began. In any other case, showering with a ton of wet and sexy ladies would be a dream come true for most! But in Julie’s case, these ladies were giant, demented and obsessed with smothering her in their stench. Throughout the entire process, Julie came face to face, and nose fo stink with the pits, buts and even feet of the 3 giant women. Even as the shower had ended, Julie was no closer to being free of their giant, smothering bodies. Piper wrapped Julie up in a dank rag and the women used it to thoroughly and roughly wile their wet bodies down. Not an inch of their slick skin would go without knowing Julie’s tiny body…

Glad to be finished with this one, finally. Hope y’all like it!

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Glad to see that Julie is back where she belongs in Piper's crack. Is there a chance that you'd ever draw AV and have her end up inside Piper's butt?


So how many panels do you think you’ll need for the good and bad endings?