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Looks like option 3 won by a good margin! I apologize to those of you who were hoping for either of the other options but that’s the way these go. To be honest I was personally leaning with option 2 since I had some fun design ideas for nomu/heroine hybrids but maybe I’ll just draw those for fun later on 😂 Anyhow, let get to the poll for part 28! 

So the beginning to this comic part will be Deku passing out and waking up to see that the women have paired with Toga to transform him into different objects. Btw, I know that’s not at all how her quirk works in the series but the way her body turns into mud during her transformations is a perfect drawing asset to use on Deku as he is transformed in this comic. So that reveal will be the first chunk of this comic and then it will end with Deku being transformed into the first object for the women to play with. (That or it will end with him about to be transformed and then resume in the next part, depending how much I can fit into this.)

So for this poll, y’all are gonna decide what object he is turned into first! Go ahead and pick your favorite option below!



The Nomu idea was a good one! Would be psyched to see that in the future


They should transform him into a toilet and shit in his mouth!!