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Looks like Olga and Piper are spending their Holiday with Julie. Isn’t that sweet of them!

I hope all of your Holidays went well and that you’re all safe and happy going into the new year! There’s so much I’ve been able to do thanks to your patronage and support and I could never thank you all enough! ❤️

Pretty soon here I’ll see about whipping up some more animated projects but in the meantime, we’re going to be having lots and lots of Olga. Starting with the Tier 4 comic that is a bit behind schedule and then on with the Softball Squashing comic. But for now, please enjoy this new Christmas card!

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Iruma Mob 100

It looks great! And I’m sure Julie is happy that they are spending the holidays together. They never get to spend enough time with each other anymore. I hope you also had a great holiday as well and that you’ll have a good New Year’s ^^ Also I’m happy to be a patron, you’re a great artist and deserve the support you have on here 😊 I’m looking forward to your upcoming projects!


Now that's a solid Christmas card


Thank you so much for saying that! You’ve been one of my biggest supporters and I always look forward to all of your kind comments and feedback! Thank you for sticking around! 😁

Requiem of Consoles

On the flipside she seems to have grown a bit compared to her usual shrunken size. Ngl, I'd definitely send someone this as a postcard. Hope you had an awesome Christmas and as well as a Happy New Year in a couple days!

Iruma Mob 100

Thank you too! It’s a joy to leave you the comments and I’m always happy to leave feedback! I’m really happy to support you and I’ll do my best to continue ^^ Also side note that I noticed after coming back to reply, Olga representing Christmas in the pic and her size, she’d make a good Mrs. Claus XD


Damn, I only just now see how thick Olga is compared to Piper


Amazing Are you going to make an animation out of this?


I completely forgot to comment on this last year but all of the girls look adorable in their costumes (even though I have no idea what Piper is supposed to be but those Gold Pants are looking super great) The sheer fact that Reindeer Julie can hold up Santa Olga is a testament to how strong she really is, I mean I think most people forget that she is the Captain of the Blue Softball team...though let’s just hope for Julie’s sake that either Piper nor Olga have any “presents” to give her, though judging from Olga’s nonchalant holding of the mistletoe and Piper’s leash, the real present is being normal size for Julie.