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It’s barely Wednesday and I already foresee myself disappointing people. But I’ve found a logical solution.

I’ve been grinding on the Holly animation but the progress is not what it needs to be. I’m struggling with a weirdly complex motion at a frustratingly high pixel quality. (Also I made her titties way too big. Though most of you likely won’t be bothered by that) not to mention I just wrapped up a commission that reversed my entire sleep schedule and I have 3 more to do this week. What I’m getting at here is that my work load is only fitting for a crack addict, which I am not. But I’m also not a quitter, so here’s the compromise:

The Holly animation has two POV’s. The first is facing Holly and the second is an underneath angle. Since the animation is fairly longer than the previous animated GIFs, I think it’s fair to split it in half. I’ll upload the first POV with color and shading this week and the next will be next week, less I go insane.

I do apologize that I’ve had to push off the weekly comics for so long. When it comes to this decision however, I’m less sorry for not completing the work on schedule and more sorry for getting everyone’s hopes up with my ridiculous due dates. I’m sure some people can cram weekly comics / multiple commissions and animated work into a single week but I’m not that guy, pal.

Anyhow, I thank everyone for their understanding and support. If you feel like, please leave a comment of your thoughts on all this. Am I being a pain in the butt or am I too hard on myself? It’s hard to tell lately.


Jack Frost

I think you're being way too hard on yourself imo. I'd imagine most of us would rather you take things slower at a more sustainable pace for yourself, than have to rush or pull all-nighters or anything. And I can only speak for myself, but given how very often you tend to upload, it never bothers me in the slightest if you have to go past a projected finish date on something. It happens! And in my experience, at least, taking on so much work in so little time typically leads to burnout at some point down the line, and I'd much prefer you slow things down or take on less work than get to the point where it starts to get unenjoyable or overwhelming.


As I and some of the others have said before, you should take as much time as you need. You’re definitely being too tough on yourself with your schedule sometimes. As long as everyone is patient and knows you’re doing your best, we don’t mind delays because you’ll notify us of any delays like this after all.


I appreciate your insight on this. Burnout is totally real and I’ve nearly hit it a few times. I just wanna avoid hitting a point where I feel inclined to put off a full week of work just to reset. Trips are the exception of course but yeah, I don’t want my work to suffer. And I’m glad my work is still enjoyable for y’all. I look at it all super critically lately


Thank you for that. I’m often anxious about messaging y’all with delays but I know that communicating is more important to y’all than that. So I’ll be more transparent as I go on with everything.

James Lavey


James Lavey

Na jk man do what works for you I got patience 🙂