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Happy Halloween and many spoops to you all! 👻 I hope your Halloween weekends are going well! Just wanted to update everyone on the progress of things.

The Holly animation is about halway complete and the final product will be finished and uploaded this week! To reach the finish line by this week, I have to push the Overwatch comic just a little bit longer to wrap up the animation. This is only necessary since I found a way to make a slightly longer and more complex animation in procreate rather than just an animated GIF like the Holly and Blair animations.

I’ll also be finishing a 2 panel comic commission between today and Monday and I’ll be working on 3 more commissions this week (Another reason I’m pressed for time)

Anyhow, I appreciate the great response that my previous Holly commission has received, and I’ll be sure to do the animation an equal amount of justice! Have a good one!


Gerardo Tun

That's cool! I can't wait to see the animation :). The unaware buttcrush story would be awesome as well. A sneaky tiny spy was flattened multiple times by different girls who never knew they were sitting on a tiny guy