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So I learned a few things about animating in procreate today! The first thing I learned was how to make an animation longer…. You can’t. Lol but I did learn how to set the quality in such a way that I can add more frames, do the animation in chunks, stitch them together in movie maker and upload it to YouTube 😂 So this animation is gonna be a bit longer than the other animated GIFs but it shouldn’t take much longer than they did to actually finish! However I am gonna focus on grinding out this week’s commissions for the next couple days but as I said, this animation won’t take much more to finish!


Holly Animation WIP 1



Damn, Holly looks so cute when she’s thinking, the little jump she makes before she glared down is a really nice touch. It’s also great that you’re finding workarounds dealing with animating and even this intro sequence is great so far, so keep up the great work.