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It turns out Mirko is a woman of her word. At least to an extent that is. After swallowing what little pride Deku had left and smooching Mirko’s ass like his life depended on it (which it practically did) Mirko releases our hero from his long and twisted torment. His relief is short lived however. After shooting a sadistic glare at one another, Mt Lady wastes no time in unsheathing her monstrous, man eating ass. Deku quivers in fear as he’s dangled above the damp abyss of Lady’s cheeks. It’s time to feed the beast…

Finally done! Next is the Holly animation. As I said I’m on my last trip for the year so the process will be a bit slow but I’ll update y’all as I go. Enjoy this for now!

(All character rights go to Studio Bones)




Love it.

Totally not a chair

Man I can’t wait till Mt lady’s booty swallows up deku completely. This is gold


Well...at least Mirko kept her word, Deku surely couldn’t think he was going to be back between Mt Lady’s cheeks so soon. On the bright side though, if Mt Lady shrinks him further, she won’t even need to be giant sized to give him some giant ass XD


Looks like Mirko and Mt. Lady weren’t lying, he’s gonna be a butt plug pretty soon. Can’t wait.


There WILL be a next part to this, won’t there?


There will be many new parts to this comic. As mentioned in one of my last posts, I’ll be taking the next month or so to grind out work on this comic and the Overwatch comic.


Who else would smooch MT. LADY’s ass if you were in Deku’s place??