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Well our poll this week ended in a tie between Twintelle kicking her friends out and shrinking them both. Luckily I can’t even fit the whole round of events into this one comic so we’ll get to end this one in a cliff hanger and break the tie on the next part. I will also include an extra poll to decide the events that will follow after we decide what Twintelle will do so no worries!

Also apologies for the comic being late. Being busy most of last week and switching to the digital format have made things a bit hectic work wise. Also, while I’m happy to be doing digital comics and I see huge improvements in my work, the time these comics are taking is getting a bit out of hand. I’ll likely be making an announcement post soon to touch on this and figure out something to do but this is just me thinking out loud lol



Iruma Mob 100

Part of me wants to see Twintelle shrink them down after seeing them fight over Min Min and abuse her ‘too’ much. She then decides to grow Min Min enough to let her have fun with the two XD I know it won’t happen but that’d be funny


Lol honestly I was considering it, but it would definitely stray from the narrative.