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Between last night and this morning I went through and deleted just a few posts that I felt may have crossed the community guidelines. About an hour ago I received an email from support letting me know that I successfully removed the problematic posts and the issues with those posts were strictly for having featured underaged characters.

While the culture of anime designs makes it difficult to gauge the age of certain characters, I think we can all tell when a character looks underaged. I’m ashamed to admit that I chose to ignore those details when making those pieces and it never sat comfortably with me. I apologize to anyone who may have been offended by any of my work. It goes without saying that these sorts of discrepancies will never again be overlooked when taking on future commissions.

And thank you so much to everyone who commented their support and advice in my last post! I was freaking out about the issue all day and reading through your many comments helped me feel much more confident about resolving the issue. So hi fives to all of you guys!



*high fives* Wooo! Thank god that's good news :) glad everything is ok.


Ya love to see it.


I’m glad you managed to sort it, maybe post a list of characters that were affected as we can avoid them...either that or you could draw them in an more mature style.


Yeah some one of them I’m likely not going to be drawing again and the rest I can just draw more mature looking to clarify the appearance of their age