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Sooo I had intended to take a break from the comics this week but I got sucked into practicing in procreate. I decided the best practice would be to work on a comic in the same format as I’ve done before and I figured I might as well use the My hero comic as a starting point.

There’re still a lot of issues I have with this though. I know that a big appeal of my work is that I’m able to match the art style and look of any characters pretty effectively. I’ve always done this by eye balling reference images very closely to match the style and incorporate my own original details and aesthetics. But since I’m just starting out in procreate, when I get frustrated, it’s too tempting give up and to straight up trace over a face or pose and change a few details to get the same effect (which is just copying and we don’t want that). For example, the first bubble of Deku and Mt. Lady’s face in panel 4 were instances where I got frustrated just looking at a reference and I traced over the majority of the reference features and changed the expressions ( the rest of the comic was either based on reference images or drawn completely from scratch). Now I don’t know where we draw the line between additive art and plagiarism, but either way I want to avoid that line at all costs. And I know with practice in digital art, I won’t feel so tempted to do this sort of thing and I’ll manage to better define my own style as well as maintain the appeal of matching the styles of the characters that you all suggest. Sorry, Injust wanted to get that off my chest.

On a brighter note, no more sloppy lines and pencil smudges!




Looks clean


Well this looks amazing as the others have said. On the topic of tracing, as long as you don’t just trace over everything and leave it all the same, that’s where the problems are. As long as you can adjust it to then fit your style and don’t directly trace anything, then it’s okay to have references, every artist has reference pics but they modify them and the crap artists just trace and pass it off as their works, you’re definitely a great artist and not one of the bad ones.

Jack Frost

I think it looks really great! Super clean looking. And I agree with TDunk, I don't personally feel that there's anything wrong with tracing a certain pose or character's face initially, especially if you're trying to replicate that style. And beyond that, I feel like your own distinct style still shows through, nothing you've made so far has felt traced by any means. As you said too, I'm sure you'll get more comfortable over time drawing digitally, too. But so far, it looks really great!


Thank you for saying that. I know there’s a big difference between referencing and copying and I’m definitely well on the better side of that line with my work. I think I just crave a bit more originality, which when I look at my more recent overwatch and twintelle comics, it’s definitely there! I just have to translate that to my digital work.


Thanks for that. I was just upset because this was the first occasion where I traced character features directly so I was in my head about it. When I get better used to drawing on the tablet I won’t feel so tempted to do that and I’ll have better faith in my own ability!


Mounty Lady's butt has never looked better. I'm looking forward to this one. ^^ Even if my fellow patrons did my girl Uraraka dirty in the dom poll.