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Well I was trying to avoid it, but it was inevitable considering I lost an entire day and a half of being able to work. Today's Overwatch comic is being pushed to tomorrow or perhaps even Friday depending on how things proceed. Tomorrow's single panel comic and Friday's 4 panel comic may also have to be pushed a bit to make up for the lost time. Basically just expect the uploads to pop up as they will. It's just too diffilcult to predict when the power will go out again so just be keeping an eye out. 

However (if the power stays on) I will still be finishing and uploading yesterday's single panel comic later tonight! (it's a Giantess Uraraka comic) Also thanks for everyone's support and understanding in this, it's extremely appreciated! 



My hands are in the air lending you my energy.


Wishing the best of luck with everything! Thank you for the continued updates :)