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Hey y’all!! I hope everyone is enjoying this week’s uploads. I’m pretty happy with how this week’s commissions have come out.

Quick update on today’s 4 panel upload: I’ve barely been able to get started on today’s commission upload and I have a family dinner in about an hour that I can’t miss. These dinners typically go for awhile so I talked it over with the commissioner and it’s likely that the comic won’t be finished till tomorrow but in exchange for the tardiness, It’s going to be a colored commission. I’m actually excited about that because I’ve learned a few good shading methods that I want to expand on and this comic is about a couple of the League of Legends Ladies so this should be a good one!

As for the animation, I’ll be drawing and coloring out the dom and sub characters into a sort of title card to give us all an idea of the final design and to get everyone hyped up!