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So animating is pretty hard it turns out :) lmao but it’s not impossible! Since I have a tablet with a screen, the process will be much more efficient! However I won’t be getting a proper stylus until Christmas day (turns out my wacom stylus isn’t compatible with it) but expect animation WIPs and updates soon!

As for the ongoing comics and commissions; I’ve been easing my way into a proper work routine so that I can create a weekly upload schedule! That way you all won’t be left wondering when I’ll be producing the comics you’re all waiting for.

Firstly I plan to upload several commissions a week and to make half of those commissions exclusive to patrons rather than just uploading them all to DeviantArt.

Secondly I plan to upload a new part of the ongoing Twintelle and Overwatch comics every week starting in mid January. That way the stories can progress much faster and we can start brainstorming new exclusive comics!

That’s about it for now! As I’m reading over this it seems like a pretty extensive work load ahead, and I know I’ve had difficulty sticking to my goals in the past so I won’t pretend it won’t be a bit bumpy in the beginning. But I can promise with 100% certainty that I will be producing more than twice as much as what I have in the past! Thank you all for your confidence and support! Happy Holidays to everyone and a Happy New Year!!!


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