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A lot of people have been saying they miss the costume vore fun of The Costume Shop, so since the next chapter might take a bit of time to draw, I want to share with you all the script for the chapter itself.

I write these in a panel by panel layout, so I know what to focus on drawing. The actual costume vore stuff won't occur until about panel 117/190 but once it starts there will be a lot of it!

Would also love to hear some feedback what you all think of the chapter and where the story will go...

    “QUICK! RUN!”
  2. “Next time on Ghost Bros. We head to the beach-side city of Dixon Beach.”
  3. Finn: Hey that’s our city!
  4. “To the bustling tourist Main Street.”
    Finn: That’s our street…”
  5. “To see if the urban legends are true about this haunted Halloween store.
    Finn: Uh oh…
  6. “Watch Ghost Bros next week for their investigation into…
  7. “The Costume Shop”
  8. Finn: Shit
  9. Franklin is in his laboratory
  10. Sewing a costume
  11. Finn comes in, in a hurry “Franklin!” “One moment…”
  12. Franklin carries the costume to the cauldron
  13. Submerging it
  14. The slime bubbles
  15. And a foamy plume bursts out
  16. Eyes shine out of a scary silhouette
  17. And a friendly swamp creature waves “Hello!”
  18. “Hello! You’re Chekov! A swamp monster! How do you feel?”
  19. “Hungry” “Good!
  20. “Head on upstairs and Finn can help you later!” “NICE” Finn says to himself
  21. Chekov stumbles upstairs. “Now, what’s up?”
  22. On the TV Spike and Cade are like “DID YOU DIE HERE? DID IT HURT?”
  23. “How silly, everybody knows ghosts can’t talk. Who are these goons?”
  24. “Spike and Cade, they’re paranormal hunters, they go into haunted buildings and find evidence of supernatural forces.
  25. They are pointing an EMF at a Moose head on a wall “WHO DID THIS? WHO KILLED THIS?”
  26. “They said their next episode is going to be here!” “Oh good! Free promotion!”
  27. “Not good! These guys, they’re gonna go poking around, they’ll could break your cover! We can’t let them show actual evidence of the supernatural, people would go nuts!”
  28. “Hmm, I think we should ask Harold.” “Harold?”
  29. “Yeah, the Human Resources Manager” “We have an HR?”
  30. Why do I get the feeling he’s a silly little monster?
  31. CUT TO: Harold is a HUGE monster at a tiny desk.
  32. Franklin: Harold advises me on the smartest way to present myself in this world. “Hi?
  33. Harold grunts in response
  34. Franklin: He’s one of the only other creatures I took with me from The Hallow.
  35. But don’t worry he’s harmless, plus he sleeps 22 hrs a day. Finn: What does he eat?
  36. Harold: SHADOWS
  37. They are watching the TV again. Franklin: So, what do you think?
  38. Harold looks at his notes
  39. Harold: After careful examination of these “Ghost Bros”, their audience of over one million viewers, and a very overactive Threaddit community, the best course would be to display the shop in a neutral manner.
  40. Dispel the rumors of a haunted house by letting Finn act as the only employee. We get the free promotion, and the balance of the realms is still in tact.
  41. It is the afternoon
  42. A mini van drives up
  43. Two sets of legs exit the vehicle
  44. We see Spike and Cade
  45. Finn is sheepishly standing there.
  46. “Uhm, hello!”
  47. “Who are you?”
  48. “I-I’m Finn, I’m the- manager of The Costume Shop!”
  49. “You? You own this place?”
  50. “Yeah, I made a weird bet. I lost.”
  51. Cade snickers
  52. Spike shoots him a look
  53. “We were expecting an abandoned, run down, haunted building. Perhaps you could… show us around?”
  54. “It’d be my pleasure!”
  55. “This is the main area. As you can see, lots of costumes for sale!”
  56. Cade scans them with the EMF
  57. And shakes his head
  58. This is the adult section! Be careful, you might not want to come out!
  59. Spike holds a spirit box up
  60. But turns it off “Anywhere else?”
  61. Uh… this is the break room?
  62. They use a blacklight, and it lights up a lot
  63. “Its uh… all mayonnaise.”
  64. Back in the main area, Spike and Cade are investigating around.
  65. Franklin pops out from behind the counter
  66. FInn gives him a thumbs up
  67. Alright, let’s set up an automatic door closer, and maybe add a remote for the lights to go out.
  68. Finn: Uh… sorry, what’s happening?
  69. Well, there wasn’t any REAL activity here unfortunately, but we already advertised it on the show, so we’re just going to film some embellishments for a half-episode.
  70. Finn: Wait, you’re going to FAKE activity?
  71. Sometimes it happens. And stupidly enough, people prefer the faked stuff instead.
  72. I can’t believe it, you’re just a bunch of frauds.
  73. *Sigh* Listen kid, we’d love to investigate REAL supernatural activity, if it existed, but to be able to stay on TV, and use our budget for real research, this is the kinda stuff we have to do.
  74. Sometimes you do what you have to do to get by.
  75. Finn thinks to himself.
  76. Finn: Uh- HANG ON! It’s not as scary looking during the day… how about you guys have some dinner on me, and come back tonight when it’s dark. It’ll look better on the show.
  77. Well I wouldn’t say no to a meal…
  78. Finn: Neither would I.
  79. Alright, we’ll be back by sundown, but no tricks!
  80. Finn: I’ll leave the tricks to you guys.
  81. They squint and walk off
  82. Rhaco: Come back tonight? Why did you say that?”
  83. Finn: Because we’re gonna do to them what you did to me.
  84. Remember that Halloween night? You scared the crap out of Ryan and I by thinking this place was haunted.
  85. Rodney: So we do that to them, why? Because they’re frauds?
  86. Finn thinks
  87. Finn: I don’t think that’s the case, you heard them, they’d show supernatural activity in an episode if it was real. Well, let’s give them a whole series worth!
  88. Franklin: This is… risky.
  89. Finn: Franklin, why did you come here?
  90. Franklin: I came to this world to make monsters.
  91. Finn: No, I mean, why did you choose to make it a costume shop?
  92. Franklin: Well I figured I’d try and pair up the costumes with willing humans. And humans like trying on costumes.
  93. Finn: Exactly. We’re never going to get people coming if it looks like an abandoned store. But if we do it this way, we’ll show what we do to the right demographic… people like me…
  94. people who LIKE getting swallowed by costumes.
  95. “Wait, what? The costumes swallow you?”
  96. “Yeah, I’ve been eaten by every costume in this place.”
  97. “YOU HAVE? How long has this been going on?”
  98. “The whole time!”
  99. “I didn’t know about this!”
  100. “Franklin… you made the closet door into a mouth… and an adult section…”
  101. “Oh… I guess I’ve kinda been asking for it, haven’t I?”
  102. Spike and Cade are inside Deja Brew
  103. What do you think of the kid?
  104. I think he might be hiding something from us.
  105. He draws a Tarot card: Seven Of Cups
  106. Pfft, in THAT place? You saw it, it was a mess.
  107. Yeah, but you know the saying, don’t judge a book.
  108. He draws another Tarot: The Fool
  109. Well, what do the cards say is in store for us?
  110. He draws another card.
  111. Fortune.
  112. Osiris is looking at them
  113. He turns to talk on the phone
  114. Osiris: Yeah they’re here, they’re gossiping about you guys.
  115. Me? Sure! I’d love to help! What do I have to do? Oh? Kinky… I’m in!
  116. It is night time now
  117. The hunters return to the shop
  118. Opening the door, and seeing it dark
  119. Cut to dark interior, eerie and quiet
  120. Finn leaps out
  121. Finn: AH YOU MADE IT! Sorry, didn’t mean to SCARE you! Do come in, and you should probably start recording too!
  122. They walk to the middle of the shop, when a thunder cracks in the skylight
  123. Weird, I don’t remember there being lightning tonight.
  124. Finn: Oh no…. NO… IT CAN’T BE! Listen, whatever happens, DON’T. STOP. FILMING.
  125. The floorboards break open
  126. Tentacles grab Finn
  127. Pulling him into the ground
  128. Finn: Not the tentacles! Quick! Run! Hide! Save yourselves!
  129. The hunters start to run away
  130. What the fuck was that? Is it a trick?
  131. I don’t think so, that looked too real!
  132. Hands come out of the racks
  133. And pulls them both in alternate directions
  134. They scream for each other.
  135. One of them turns to see Rodney, striking a pose and threateningly saying
  136. Rodney: I WILL EAT YOUR ASS!
  137. The guy blushes horribly and scrambles back.
  138. The other guy sees the wrestlers climbing out of the piles of costumes.
  139. Wrestlers: We have such TIGHTS to show you!
  140. They hold up another singlet and a gag
  141. He screams and stumbles back
  142. They both meet at the counter,
  143. Where the Sarcophogus opens, and Osiris stumbles out
  144. Osiris: Help me! It wants to suck out my soul!
  145. The wrappings gag his mouth, and tie him up
  146. Pulling his clothes off
  147. And pulling him in, slamming shut
  148. They run up the stairs
  149. Where Mire opens his chest to show Franklin
  150. Franklin: HES DIGESTING ME!!!
  151. He turns from human to Skeleton, rolling his eyes back in his head
  152. They scream in horror
  153. And run across the balcony
  154. Finn climbs up out of the floorboards
  155. Finn: Oh thank goodness you’re still alive!
  156. What is this? Whats going on here?
  157. Finn: The spirits of demons bring the costumes and the store to life, I thought I had stopped it for good, but it’s happening again, and this time I don’t think we’ll survive!
  158. The color suits start to climb up the railings.
  159. Finn: I know a place you can hide! Quick, into this closet!
  160. He closes the door on them
  161. Dude?
  162. Yeah?
  163. This closet is extremely squishy under my feet!
  164. They look around and realize it’s a giant mouth
  165. The tongue flops and they fall onto it
  166. The tentacles pull them down
  167. This is horrifying!
  168. This is FASCINATING!
  169. As they come out the bottom floor
  170. THE EXIT! Let’s get out of here!
  171. But what about that Finn guy?
  172. LEAVE HIM!
  173. They start to head to the door
  174. Seeing the mass of costumes
  175. Finn is being foot first vored by Rhaco
  176. Finn: Wh-whatever you do! Don’t show this on TV!
  177. As Rhaco sucks his head down.
  178. They fall to the floor outside
  179. And the door closes
  180. Everybody is standing still
  181. Franklin: Well I think that all went rather well!
  182. Finn hanging out of Rhacos mouth: Hang on, that guy was just gonna leave me here! What an ass!
  183. Thanks for your help Osiris! Always a pleasure!
  184. Oh please, the pleasure is all mine!
  185. I meant to ask but… would you like to have a job working here?
  186. Oh… thanks but, no thanks.
  187. This world, it’s amazing, but, for me it’s like an escape. Finn is more at home here on a day to day basis, but I still see myself making a life from my own world.
  188. I’m must say, I’m a bit envious of you.
  189. Me? Why?
  190. You have this air of just… taking things as they come. Every decision I’ve made has been to get where I am now, and.. Now I feel like I missed out on so many other things.
  191. Well, if that is true, then I’m glad I met you when I did. We can experience all those things together.
  192. Tonight on Ghost Bros, during what seemed like a routine trip turned into something more… haunting. With numerous supernatural occurrences, who can say if we even made it out alive?
  193. Franklin: You’re narrating the edit, you dunces.
  194. Finn: You DO know what will happen next right?
  195. Franklin: What?
  196. Finn: This place is going to start getting some VERY interesting customers
  197. Wide shot of the door creaking open


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