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I've reached the last stretch of revamping the entirety of The Costume Shop, only Chapter 1 is left. I've been working backwards, so this is the last I have to do. As usual, the speech bubbles are proper white, with black text, the font is legible now, some dialogue is re-written and re-arranged, I've redrawn the cel shading, and added the new background art by Rosa, plus added some new BG elements like the street business signs around them.

I wanted to maintain as much of the original art as possible, only swapping out the BG where it could be done, otherwise I kept almost everywhere the same. I still might go in and fix stuff like Ryan's hair or facial expressions, but I wanted to keep things mostly the same, so you can see the evolution of my art. Also the only way I'd re-do ALL the art is if it ever got picked up by a publisher or something, and they gave me a lot of money. XD Anyways, you'll see a lot of this over the next few months, there's gonna be a lot to clean up.




the nostalgia