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A bit late on the results, but no time like now! Thanks for voting! Here's what ya'll voted on!

The prey was someone from a non Costume Shop comic of mine. We have a tie for the preds being Chadster and Orco, so lets pick two of my characters as prey to get "costumed" by them both. Kid Quicksand and Pearson are a popular couple here, so lets do them!

Cock vore is the winning vore with a write in vote for Cock vore AND absorption, and absorption as well, so lets do both too!

Other kinks chosen are Macro and Musky armpits, with a written in suggestion for kinky wrestling. So here's what I'm thinking!

Orco in a Jock jacket and Chadster, are wrestling with Kid and Pearson, in kinky wrestling holds and grabs. Some nice closeups of the two forced into their armpits. Kid is cock vored headfirst so that he slides up it and into Orco as a costume cumming before slipping into it seamlessly. Pearson is smooshed between Chadsters gut and his cock as he is absorbed into both seamlessly. Final shot of the two in their new respective costumes.


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