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Hello all! Just wanted to give a very short update how things are going, and what's going to happen in August.

Throughout June and July I started up therapy again. My partner and I decided to break off our engagement and just continue being partners and boyfriends, so the weight of a wedding and rings and responsibility was taken of our his and our shoulders. We are both much happier with this.

I also spent way too much time devoted to the Kingdom Hearts Parody Musical 10 Year Anniversary. I didn't realize how much time, transit, and money it would take to make that as decent as it could be, and has very much put me off of wanting to go down that avenue again in the near future. I am proud of that show, and it being done though.

I also took some self care time, going to Niagara Falls to visit my dad for a few days, and re-visiting the actual Funhouse that inspired my own comic. And I made the trek from Toronto to Hamilton multiple times to support my partners play for their Fringe Festival.

So I let my time doing art and comics take a little bit of a break, while I also tried to catch up on commission work from the Kickstarter, which despite commissions being closed, continues to slowly build as Patrons redeem commission credits too. Nobody has to do anything about this, I am going to continue to finish these in my time. Thanks for your patience.

Going into August, I have no other plans other than my improv show at the end of each month, which takes nothing away from my other projects. In the next few days, I'm going to get the July comic done, IMMEDIATELY ask the poll for August's comic.

I did not plan anything specific for Vore Day on August 8th, instead I'm just doing a sale on my store, half off everything. Links and stuff coming later on. I'm also putting out that Vore Panel video.

I started Dicky Wonky's Candy Factory for fun, but it's only 3 panels for now, not enough to put it out to the public until I got a huge chunk done.

And I got the details for that SINK YCH which should go by quickly cause everybody had a choice how deep they wanted to be, and everybody said shoulders, so it should be easy to draw them all. I plan on doing more of those quick YCH's in the future, so keep an eye out.

That's all for now, things in August are gonna come quickly in the first week, so get ready for a lot of posts, WIPs, finished pages, and batches of past commission work!

Thanks again for being here, I love you all for your likes, comments, and horniness!


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