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Welcome to all new Patrons, and a special warm hug to those who are already Costumers!

Here’s what's going on this month!

10 Years of Fandom Hearts: A Kingdom Hearts Parody Musical

It's been 10 years since I wrote, composed, and starred in Fandom Hearts, a musical parody of Kingdom Hearts, and this month I'm putting together a reunion concert with my friends! The show is only July 11th at 8pm ET!

If you're in or around Toronto, you can get tickets here: fandomhearts10.eventbrite.ca

Or you can watch the Livestream live here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca-jKfQI0qU 

Infinite Stream Improv Show

I also produce and host an improv show called Infinite Stream! We improvise an entire genre story based on suggestions from the audience!

If you're in or around Torono you can get tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/infinite-stream-63952625483 

Or you can watch our past shows and future live streams here: https://www.youtube.com/@InfiniteStreamImprov 

Monthly NSFW Voting

I sent the poll out last month for this month, but there's a chance I might re-do the poll for something more openly themed, rather than trying to get something made for Vore Day. I have a lot of things I can post on that day if I want to, and I shouldn't be trying to force a multipage comic based on your votes. I should be doing these polls for your satisfaction, not as a way to generate public content. Hopefully that makes sense.

The Costume Shop

Chapter 6 is fully written! I just put out the concept art for Spike and Cade, the Ghost Bros, borrowed from the Mud Pit Gang from Kid Quicksand. They're my own characters and creations, so who cares, plus I like them XD

I'm going to aim to start the first page or two this month, with the mindset of just cranking these out as a fun story based comic rather than trying to make something perfect, as per my usual creations, like how The Costume Shop used to be!

Funhouse Of Frights

I owe two pages of Everett's Clown Transformation to Danger for last month and this month, so more of that will be coming! I also have two pages planned to rough for Markus' encounter with the clown demon in Clown House, which is a lot of fun anal vore, so expect that soon!

Kid Quicksand

I roughed out the first of a new story with Kid meeting Grooveflow at the PHAP base, based on an RP with me and Resi. I also have one more page where all the PHAP team just sex each other, continuing the Team Bonding comic. And I plan to rough the next page of Kid stopping Kinkshame's plan on the beach, so a lot coming up for that.

Alex In Wonderland

I have a lot of pages written for this still, but nothing yet roughed out or drawn, so I plan to continue with the next Alex and Knave story, the next page more tickling and plant vine jerk off, after which the Knave feeds Alex to a plant, so that should be fun to do.

I also have a Alex and King continuation which has a lot of feet play I'm excited to draw finally! Been wanting to do a feet comic for a while!

Dick Wonky's Candy Factory

Been wanting to pursue a short form comic, like single panel update kind of thing parodying Willy Wonka. My partner Thomas designed Dick Wonky, and the characters are just my own characters in pairs, as they purposely imperil themselves in various kinky ways at this factory.


I think I'm going to have to close off commissions for a bit official. I'm still behind on Kickstarter commissions I owe people, and each month, Patrons here redeem existing points, so I'm being kept busy enough. There are one or two people I've been talking to about comms, and I plan to still follow through on those, but for everybody else, it's gotta be some time off comms for me for a while. I might do more YCH's or sketch streams, but that's it for now.

Digital Download Archive

If you want to download eBooks that were previously available to Patrons, check out the pinned post or visit the link here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/updated-digital-39375001



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