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Thanks for voting this month!
When we last left off, Ryan was getting cock vored by the blob monster disguised as quicksand. You voted that Ryan should get reverse vored back.

For his outfit, you wanted Ryan to wear it like a speedo... for now...

Next up he goes inside the temple, with a tie for an environment being perilous, as well as a same size pred.

You voted for the top theme to be absorption, with slime also being the kink. Someone made a personal suggestion for "fat Anubis that pulls Ryan into a hug and sinking into his belly" so that's exactly what happens! Also Ryan being tied down by swamp vines and tickled. So thanks for those personal suggestions!

Here's what I see happening!

The blob reverse vores Ryan out of it's mouth and onto the ground. The goop flows off of him and he's now wearing a slimy speedo to cover his dick... for now.

Ryan then enters the temple where plant vines lash out and pull him up against some kinky vines that pull off his vest and cover his eyes, tickling him.

"BACK!" a voice bellows, as Ryan falls out. Its revealed to be a fat slime version of Anubis, same size of Ryan.

"Thanks!" he says to Anubis. "Glad to help! I think that deserves a hug..." it says, as he pulls Ryan in to a hug, absorbing their dicks together, grinding together until they cum and Ryan gets absorbed into him.

Once I rough out these two pages, I'll post another poll!


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