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Hello all! Thanks so much to those of you who are here or the new costumers who have joined up! I'm sure you don't need me to tell you how much it means that so many people are fans of my comics and characters and huge amounts of strange fun sexy vore stuff! I can't wait to show you more this month!

NSFW Comic Vote 

This month and next month, instead of doing a NSFW comic vote, I will be heading to the #suggestions channel in my Discord. People including me have been posting tons of ideas in there since the Discord started years ago, and I rarely had the time to get to some of them. For November and December I plan to make some time to sketch these out, and even see if Patrons would like to add their characters to the drawings. I cannot promise anything or my time, but it's something I'd like to do, given that I'm not open for commissions usually. I also have people who want to redeem commission credits and would like to give the time to get those done, or pick up some commissions people have been asking me about the past few months. I also have an outstanding commission from a very patient person I'd like to finish before the end of the year.

If you'd like to join the Discord, follow this guide: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045309351--Getting-your-Discord-Role-Video-tutorial-

The Costume Shop

I will be continuing to ink and put out the new pages to finish off Chapter 5. I might even aim for finishing it before the end of the year, but that might be ambitious if I'm doing everything else. 

Kid Quicksand

I think the next set of new pages I work on will be a few quick gag comics sketched out, and then one or two rather kinky pages involving the Team Quicksand characters. Maybe even the first pages of Kid Quicksand arriving at the base of his team for the first time.

I also think this month I will post one or two of the re-done pages publicly, it's been so long since I even started on this story.

Alex In Wonderland

I've really been enjoying doing the roughs of each of the stories I have planned. I'd certainly like to continue the Tea Party and Card Guards. I also have some of the Tweedles pages I never finished coloring. 

Also I am running a small sale on my store for physical books. I am trying to get the multiple copies I have from Kickstarters into people's hands, and I'm giving 50% off when you buy 3 or more books. Head to https://tylermannart.ca if you wanted physical copies of books for pretty low price. I'm also giving a free book when you buy the Vore Happens and Quicksand enamel pins together! Some folks didn't know I had these pins available, so now is a great time to get them!

That's all from me, I can't wait to dive into finishing lots of WIPs and interacting with you more through streams this month!



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