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WELCOME! It's the spooky month, but more importantly, I decided it's RYANTOBER! Ryan has won the votes for the past three months so the poll this month is all about him.

Don't worry the whole month won't be all Ryan. 

ITS ALSO MY BIRTHDAY ON OCTOBER 14th! I'll be turning 30 which is slightly frightening of a thought, but if I did THIS much in the past 5 years I'll be just fine. Lots of people ask what I'd like for my birthday, and I just wanna say I LOVE getting fanart and fanfics. If anybody makes something I'll be happy to share it around! <3

Let me share what's coming up this month, but first a very important note and thank you.

September, was the BEST month I have ever had. The most Patrons, the most sales in my stores in the past two years, the most income. And I have all of you to thank! This has proved without a doubt that hard work, dedication, creativity, engagement, and good characters and art are what you should be working on. As you may know, I put my all into all of this. Because of you, and how well I've done, I can hire people like Rosangela to do background art, colorist work, concept art for comics like Kid Quicksand, which as you might have seen in the newest pages, looks absolutely amazing. Thank you. A million times, thank you all!

So what's coming up?


It's been slow going, but I'm almost done roughing out every single page. I am NOT doing a Kickstarter for it this month. I am not going to rush it. I will take my time and do something next year for Halloween instead. The side stories / bonus comics are more fun to draw right now.


As you've seen, I've had the motivation and inspiration to do this more often now, especially since I can hand over the other half of the page to Rosa for the background art and color. Expect many more pages this month, including Team Quicksand drawn for the first proper time.


I just started to work on the Teaparty chapter, and I plan on roughly inking the rest of the Tweedles bit. I also did one page of the Eat Me Drink Me room. I think I'll continue with more of those pages.

Some of you have moved to the new tiers, but in case you missed it, there are two new tiers specifically for getting commissions every few months. Only the Fabulous Patron tier has one more slot left. You get credits to redeem for sketches, colored drawings or comics. Details are in Discord or just message me for details.

That's all for now! As you might know, I am the graphic designer for WDWNT.com, and today is the 50th Anniversary of Walt Disney World. For the past few months, I have done a LOT of work for our YouTube programming and shows. It's my main job at 30 hrs a week, lots of comedy graphics and drawings, go check some of it out!



Well it's a good thing my name just so happens to be Ryan... Also, i turned 30 myself, earlier this year (August)