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Thanks for voting this month! The theme was Voreology featuring Preston and Abracus from the cover of the book I published back in 2023, here are the results!

You picked Cock Vore as the type of vore, a Demon as the creature doing this to them, a write-in for Umbra, Magic, body worship and armpits as the kinks, another write-in for Umbra, and a "view of soles and socks"

So I think ya'll just requested the origin story to Voreology in a way, here's what's gonna happen.

Preston and Abracus are going to discover the book for the first time, Umbra will appear and tell them it's about vore and will give them a preview for free, yanking them under his armpits, stealing their wands, enlarging his cock, and voring one of them headfirst, however the other asks to take their clothes off first and go feet first so he can watch. Ending with them churning in the balls, and then waking up outside later, with the book filling in the first page of Cock Vore.

Thanks for voting! If you all like this a lot, I can do even more Voreology stories. I think this one might end up being like 2-3 pages, cause I actually wanna do this right, not try and cram it into 1 page.


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