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Hey, folks! Not so long ago, the location "Disco Club" was released as a virtual playground. I believe those of us who enjoy the virtual playground mode had a chance to try it so, let's discuss it. Do you think it's a good location choice for our kind of gameplay? What's bothering me:

  • it's huge and complicated, takes me a while before I remember how to navigate there and I still sometimes have issues with finding a certain room;
  • it's super shiny and flickering. Like yeah, cool pics could be taken but for "actual" action I found it very distracting and rather annoying.
  • Does it really fit the game style? I doubt it, to be honest. It's kind of cool by itself, maybe for a first-person shooter, but it has nothing in common with naughty interactions in our style.

So, I'm thinking, what if we just take our current locations like Boxing Gym and Dojo, and stitch them together in one big kind of a "Naked Fighter Gym"? Maybe add a couple of "Hotel Rooms" as well (for personal interaction places) and put all this building on a "Beach" where the sand and mud pool stays. 

I assume it will fit the naked fighter game much more than flashing lights and the hostile stone floor of a disco club. What do you think, yay or nay?

PS. Be aware, that the same location could be used for a "Sandbox mode" which will be released in the nearest weeks. (Basically, it will be a playground for a single-player mode) So, if you're a 100% solo player - it's still the question for you as well.



A taco truck for every map!


I would maybe keep one larger location where the potential to have an audience watch fights would still be a good idea - personally I like the boss room area in the current VP. So maybe a mix of intimate rooms like mudpool, private apartment etc and a couple of larger spaces that are currently in the VP would be the best mix


Yeah, the boss room is my favorite! :D But seems like a majority of players have issues with the current playground state... So, yep, keeping the location modular with adding/removing different blocks could be a nice move


The problem is everyone can "hear" wherever you are. so even if there dozen of rooms, you can only have one match in all the club because the emoting get all mixt up otherwise. So maybe just have text and listen to what going on in rooms and not club wide.


Do you mean "hear" or "read the chat"? Cos I spent a lot of time fixing the audio sources & receiver distances to emulate proper sound propagation. If you still hear the action from the distant rooms - it's a bug, it should not be like that.

Marc Deffner

Some rooms of the new VP are awsome (boss Room, strip club) Others are to huge. So bring in the classic areas and mixing them with good areas of the new VP sounds like the best idea. And every gym needs a boss room to count the money from all the fight events which happened in the different rings. I like the VP wide chat, but maybe it is possible to add a second chat function for some of the rooms or add a whisper mode.


When I say hear, yes I mean read in the chat. So if there some RP in one room, we can read it all across. So maybe in the allowed place, the chat stay in that area, but if you are in a not allowed area, the communication is sent at large (making it easier to issue challenge.)


Other suggestion... make it we can sit on the sofa and chair and be in a safe mini zone... It would make things more convenient and make it so people can watch without been harass.