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Right now, game rules are mostly differentiated by the "moves" you can use in that fight. What do you say to change also the win conditions? Let's start from the obvious: to win a sex fight you need to orgasming your opponent, draining the HP will not count as a victory.



i feel like hp damage should do something, but shouldnt be a win condition


Yep, that's what I'm thinking about. Something like drastically reducing the power/duration of your sex submissions if you have 0 HP


I voted for versatility, but as long as the option for an anything-goes fight exists, I wouldn't mind being able to choose win conditions per match/tournament. A, B, or either.


Yeah, we definitely can have many different rules including pure orgasm or power/sex conditions!

Marcy Anderson

Yeah Wanderer has it spot on


Maybe if the reduction of HP reduces at the same time orgasm resistance it could work, otherwise it will just be about having the good stats