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You'll never believe what happened. I tried to restore the early version of one file and somehow roll back the whole project to the 1-2 week ago state. We just lost everything I did in July. No tournaments drafts, no save/replay fight system... I'm not very clever




Any way to get it back?

Bart Pels

So sorry Sam! It is my experience that not all was for nothing. Every tiny particle of information is stored inside your brain. I think you will notice that rebuilding will go a lot easier and most of the time with an even beter result. That being said, I understand you must feel very disappointed at the moment. Take care ;-)


We've probably all made the same/similar mistakes in this digital world. Learned a valuable lesson about backups probably. :D


Oh, the irony. It was exactly a glitch of backup system. My Git just randomly restore couple of scene files and broke the project links. So the lesson is – don’t use backups ☝🏻🤓


Hope you're finding the energy to redo, somehow redoing it never seems to quite capture the elegance of the first time!