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The bug with a finisher selection was fixed. You may re-download the game using the same links from this post. The current game version is 2021.4 p5 (check your settings to be sure you have an updated one)



Might have already been mentioned, but the crotch destroyer finisher automatically ends the match if you don't click "Next Finisher" fast enough.


Let me rephrase my comment then. I figured that might happen since it previously ended the match, but only because I have been following this for a year. I think it will be frustrating in a final product if you have to *know* which finishers end the match. I'd suggest that in a future build you consider having that finisher "pause" the animation and then let the user click next finisher or end match. Really great work over the last year - just tossing out some feedback.


Oh, I see the point. Yes, I think you're right. Since now we have an option to choose the next finisher there is totally no sense in a spontaneous fight ending on random finishers. I'll fix it. Thanks for the feedback!!!