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It was fast! Game updated with a bug fixing patch. If you already downloaded the 2021.1 game - pls, download an update. Same link from this post https://www.patreon.com/posts/version-2021-1-45852317



every time a new build comes out my day is getting better intently so thx


Hi Sam, another bug found : if we restart a match, screen freezes


Hm... can you give me more details? What exactly is happening, how does it look? It definitely restarts without issues on my side, so I need more description


Hi Sam, When a fight ends the game asks if we want to go back to the menu or if we want to replay the fight. If I choose to replay the match, there is again the animation video between the 2 fighters, the loading of the fight, and once the loading is complete, the 2 fighters remain motionless without fighting. PS : sorry for my poor english, i'm french.


Don't worry, your english sounds perfect to me. But I feel confused because of this bug, button "restart fight" works as intended on my side :( Do you get this error every time?


Hi Sam, yes i ve the error every time