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Yeah, now the "Masturbate" part work both on vagina and penis. Still have a broken wrist, but I hope you'll forgive me that. 




May I add a suggestion? Make the poor thing bend her body forward some more, so she could be able to stroke that massive cock without breaking her wrist


The animation was made for the female/female action at first, and I’m afraid to change it from this side (so it could be broked from other side). But I believe that changing the cock angle could solve it either 😉


Is the multplayer mode also available in the pro version? I just becam a patreon, so Im not sure if I must unlock something or if its just no yet there


There is no multiplayer in any version yet. But when it will be announced - it will be in all available versions!


Thank you, I love your work. I hope that there will come a lot of other humiliation to the game :D