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Uncle Clay and Nikki will be there to support him instead 😤

Thank you very much for supporting us, it means a lot! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Stay safe and healthy and be kind! 💜




Honestly, Hans will be just fine! He can live his life how he wants to. He can wear what he wants, do what he wants, be with who he wants, BE who he wants to be; all while being loved and supported by those who truly love him for who he is. He doesn't have to fake it to make it anymore. He's going to be so successful and feel fulfilled in life without his shitty ass "parents." Uncle Clay and Nikki are his real, true parents now 🫶🏾 being a parent is more than just a role/title, and the sperm and egg facility that Hans comes from don't understand that.


😢 how are the other kids going to start treating him, now that he can't throw giant parties? Hans already said he's only popular because of the "package"