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Hello, everyone! I got some bad and good news tonight. I have been thinking at the overrall state of this page, and how it has less content than my main page. I love animation, but it is a fact that the results I bring to the table are very short. That is sadly natural due to how hard and time-consuming animation is. I am still making them, but I am making deep changes to this page that I believe are best for its quality and I want you all to know before the month ends.

I am reshaping the focus - Animations will not be the main focus anymore of the page. I will still release new clips, but they take too much time and it seems there is not enough interest which I can understand with the duration of the clips. Also, I believe that the short clips are not worthy the price tag. Although the amount of time I take to make them would justificate the price, in the end I belive it is better to try to get better hardware so the process can be better and come in bigger servings. 

With the time I use for animations, I could be launching several dozens of images here, and that is the new plan. I want to not only expand Arena World to more frequent releases, but also add the Ultimate Fight League: An evolution of my Underground League set in the same future of Arena World, but on Earth. While Arena World will be the freakier and crazier series with a focused plot, the Ultimate Fight League will follow the same structure of the Underground League, with many fighters, characters and narratives! Bringing you girl vs girl fights along with futa and mixed content in an optional tier. The Ultimate Fight League will have a more intense tone than my works at the Underground League, featuring stronger characters while keeping the sexy aesthetic you want!

So, with that, I am making cheaper tiers! I cannot change the price of existing tiers, the site does not let me do it, so if you want to keep your pledge here I recommend seeing the new tiers, which you can change right now without paying extra, since they are set at lower prices, the tiers are:

Arena Tier - 6 Euros - You get access to all of Arena World

Ultimate Tier - 8 Euros - You get access to all of Arena World and all UFL content!

Ultimate Tier (no futa) - 8 Euros - Same as the Ultimate Tier, but with no futa content.

I understand that the change may be frustrating to those who wanted the animations, so I wanted you all to know before the month turns. If you like my work, I ask you to trust this process, the plan is to expand my craft with stories in a different setting but keeping the essence of my fights, and the same hardware I use for my animations will be used to bring more complex and intrincate set pieces, characters and fights!

I do believe I will be able to make more animations in the future when I get another hardware upgrade, but for now I just think the price is not fair to you and the work is holding me from expanding my stories. 

Thank you for your support and for reading everything!


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