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Hello, everyone! Here are 4 new animations for this weekend!

- New character presentation of a female character: Kamala!

- Continuation of Pana vs Maja as Maja strikes back!

- Kamala in some mixed fight boxing against Spike!

- Continuation of Alibeth vs Vanya as Vanya finishes her job!

Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QwBKzQnsfgQ1zkO0xu7mVUUypjuYdtdE?usp=sharing

EDIT: The Alibeth vs Vanya clip is uploaded now! It had a failure earlier during the upload to Drive, but it is on now!



I don't see any difference in the video for Alibeth vs Vanya from the last one. The last one was Alibeth vs Vanya - BJ. Am I missing something?


My mistake actually! Thanks for letting me know, I put the clip to upload but it somehow failed to go to the Drive! Just uploaded it again and it should work now :)