Overstuffed Christmas Catsi [Mini] (Patreon)
Mini Story
It's the christmas season and Catsi was super hyped about eating some christmas dinner over the holidays but after 2....5....10 maybe more sessions of gobbling up all those turkeys, potatoes, veg and gravy. Catsi has completely overdone themselves with the eating and now their stomach is working overtime with digesting all that foody goodness and can be visibly seen trying to turn all that condensed food into fattyness~
Poor Catsi is just laying down now as their body tries to fight all the food they stuffed into themselves~ Unable to move and all the christmas presents still unopened due to their immobility~
Message by me
This came out a bit late but the extra edits and planning I added to this little project compared to the original looks so much better and I'm super happy with how the shape of the body looks in this~
Enjoy some late turkey stuffed catsi :3
Video Folder Link - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/9x646164mj50zxvg4p34w/h?rlkey=244fgtc55jqcrtu967efstgfc&dl=0