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Right now I'm trying to fix my character up for animation but I just experienced such a massive and stupid thing that just happened and it set back all the work I did this week which sucks. Appearntly while I was working one of the nights my rig for the model silently auto applied weight painting to the model completely ruining it and destroying the model, ruining all the clothing and making it unuseable for any animation. I am so furious and tired right now but my plans for tonight is to try and get this sorted and salavge what I have and then tomorow try to get 2 or more animations done~

I've also been called into my work for overtime and to work on my days off aswell because a lot of people are getting sick in my workplace which is taking out a lot of my freetime so I havent had the chance to work on my stuff as much as I normally do

Sorry for the slight delay in content~ Im more mad that it removed my cool jiggly belly rig :(



That's lame, I hope you can get it fixed without too much hassle.


I can fix it fine but it takes so long to do though and I already spent a week of works just improving the model only for blender to randomly do something without me even performing the actions :/


Jesus that’s horrible. Take as much time as you need to get it fixed. After all even life is butting in 😣. We will wait for you to be able to have a more stable work pace! Good luck with everything 👍


Thanks so much~ Its good to know people are waiting for me when Im struggling T.T


Make sure to back up your work ^^


Good luck with the work, times are tough. I'd recommend maybe uploading your model in a state that you're happy with to a private repository on git so that if something breaks you have a model to role back to :).


Ye I have backups, its just I didnt know the rig was broken when I was adding all these new stuff to the model


Oh I have my model backed up on external hard drives and clouds but its just when I was adding all these cool new features, I didnt know my rig was broken