Little Sneak peak + Info and stuff (Patreon)
Hiiiiiiiiiiii o/ Just wanted to let you all know I've been working on completely revamping my models rig and making completely new inflation blend keys to allow me to do better dynamic animation and better looking inflation shapes and such which is why I haven't been able to upload a video just yet~
I planned myself on finishing this vid today but sadly I just couldn't complete it on time and I really wanted to get it out before the end of the month. Although I am very very happy with what has been completed so far and it is looking absolutely amazing and I feel like this project deserves to be worked on more because of the idea and the looks of it and I think I might plan to add audio to this aswell~
Since I've missed the deadline and I feel like this video would be a bit soured if it was released in its early state I'm going to end up working more on this video and extending it and making catto bigger :3
I'm not sure whether to release this one as a "full length video" even though its only going to be around 1-2 mins long because realisticly I don't think I'll be able to pull out 10 minute videos of animation without spending at least a year to work on and a lot of dedication. I kinda want to go back to making 2 min vids with sound and such but I'll see what happens as I work on this~
Sorry for the dry July month but hope your summer is well and I hope this next vid comes out well!
Btw that sneak peak image is an early test render so theres no sweat, belly blushness and other touch ups are missing~