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SO THAT'S CHAPTER 5! Hope you all enjoyed this fifth comic called The Dinner from the Drunken Gal series.

This comic has been the longest one that I've ever made and I hope you liked it from start to finish. I tried to make it the best narrated, drawn, and fluid I could, even if it had to take more effort and time that other comics I've made so far. That's the reason it lasted this long. As always, thank you all for your preference and support through all these months.

Otherwise, this is not the last page of The Dinner comic yet. There will be some Extra scenes on the next days here on Patreon. And in case you're wondering what will be the next chapter about, we will bring back someone whose story wasn't finished either. Chapter 6 will be full of neighbor vibes.

Once again thanks for your preference, see you on the next Chapter on June 10th.

Peace! ✨️


On an unexpected turn out of events, Brian has been set up and has been turned into a female version of himself as well. Now Jackie and Monica have the opportunity to make him spill out the beans about the pink pills and try to turn back Jackie to normal, or that's what they think, at least.

Till the end, they would cheat Brian to take revenge on him, and will convince him to do something unexpected.

Will anyone turn back to normal? What if they won't? Now as a girl, Brian will pay for all the troubles he caused, one way or another.




Oh gracias a Dios se quedo así, por un momento pensé que iba a suceder otra vez como con Jack

Muffin Mythos

Hopefully, Mike can keep this one. 🥺

Jack Dawson

Was a bit anti-climatic. Would be interesting to see rhe epilogue.

Anime Guy

Honestly, I couldn’t be happier with this. Seeing Mike finally find someone and Brianna except her new life. It’s just awesome. The only thing I’m concerned about is…well, do the Changes stay permanent through willpower or are more pills needed?

Jack Dawson

Just the last page. If I split your comics into thirds. Your comic reaches a climax in the final third and ends within the same third. Building to the crescendo seems to take a bit of while. But it is subjective. Each person like it different

Thor Nelson

My theory is that the person must 100% want to be female before the pill wears off and that's why Mon and Brian are still female while Jack keeps going back and forth