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UPDATE 01: Cuz even when you think it's done, it's still not done.  I re-uploaded the video now at its CORRECT framerate of 24fps (the old version was accidentally exported as 12fps)

I've also added a direct download link just below here for you to enjoy in the comfort of your own player/setup.  Enjoy, and look forward to a few more updates!

Direct Download https://streamable.com/l/47tzst/mp4-high.mp4

4+ years of work culminated into this 6 and a half minute short.  I hope you enjoy.


I'm going to do a second cut eventually, with SFX, an Intro and Outro title cards (to help give a lil epilouge this whole ordeal) and maybe a few touch ups here and there.  Look forward to that in the next month!


Cutie Rampage noSFX First Cut 24fps

Watch "Cutie Rampage noSFX First Cut 24fps" on Streamable.



Im very happy for you. Long projects are hard to do, no doubt, but it's really awesome when you manage to get them out.


Congratulations! Love seeing a project come to fruition, and this one is freaking sweet; great work!


Well worth the wait. Great job. Congratulations on sticking with it and finishing your project.

Marcus Wallace

Am I allowed to download a copy to watch in my spare time?


Man, 4+ years, hopefully it wasn’t something that you began to dread working on, I can only imagine not wanting to go back to working on it, but you’ve done such a great job with this project, even learned new things midway with how to work on it! It’s been a pleasure watching the progress with this project ToonPower, looking forward to what you do with it next, amazing work TP!


Congratulations! All the time spent on it was worth it. I particularly like how the expressions can tell the story so well. <3


Exceptional work <3


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! That was AWESOME, Toon! I loved the whole thing from beginning to end. Especially Charlotte, she's the absolute best! <3 <3 <3 Congrats on all your progress, it really bad off. ;)

Hop Brand

Congratulations on finally getting this project done Toon!


Outstanding Work Toon!! Loved it from start to finish!