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Aight everyone,

Rendering this anim is taking ALOT of time. Like maybe 10hours per angle haha. That's why I changed the set to something minimalistic, or else it would never be out !

So, i'll be releasing it tomorow if everything looks good. Probably around 6pm.

Hope you're exited ! Because I am :)




So excited for this! Looks so good 😁


Watch as the final render just explodes.


pretty sweet.... what do you use as a rendering rig?

Firts Lats

Will you be re-releasing sometime with all these angles with the normal background in the future, so it doesn't look so fakey? No rush, but this is so hot, you gotta do it right eventually. ;) It looks amazing.


It's not in my control. If I keep the background, I have to render it in 720p with low samples. It was just an evident choice. It's about render farm limitations to 15minutes per frame to render. If they increase the limitations, then maybe. Otherwise, probably not.